DID Registration

Every DID is associated with at least one key series. Apart from registering a new DID, every other type of request is associated with a DID address ("did_address") and one of the DID's key series. The client specifies the attribute "operation" according to the name of the request method. The current public key ("current_key") in the series and the SHA-256 hash of the next public key ("next_key_hash") is part of the request message whereas the current private key is used to sign the Base64 encoded request message.

To register for a new DID, a client must specify a new key series when she registers for a new DID address with did_register operation. The client generates the first and second public-private key pairs in the new key series. In the request message, the client then specifies the first public key ("current_key") and the SHA-256 hash of the second public key ("next_key_hash"). The request message is then encoded in Base64 and signed by the first private key.


POST https://test-network.finema.co/did/

Request Body




The method's name that is "did_register".



The first public key in the series. It is used to verify the request's signature.



The SHA-256 hash of the next public key in the series.

    "operation": "did_register",
    "did_address": "did:idin:afb7ba88c76edbda55c344b70ae0cf0556d770ec256820d7185000de395391b5"

Example Message and Request

    "operation": "did_register",
    "current_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEWquJ9+BEBDQTA/xRmx5uAHOgKMue\nw1QoAGk+2mLVWGvFBW5D3BMPYOFtGM/tvubVjwY3tr9iRI+erSQUmFIvRg==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
    "next_key_hash": "2775f71ed2bef2f395acf8781d43d0f538bf693b7c62a5bc27ec46cc839d272c"

The above message can then be encoded in Base64 and signed with ECDSA to obtain the following HTTP request

    "signature": "MEUCIQCIP/oFaQ8HKyOVNb2UGGoecC7t8F9DqLPLTvptWb6Q/wIgddkJPlh938hmFU6H9GrojIFh6NFWK0TeUkPQEBqE0jI="

Last updated

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